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Your page is published right after you create your account and profile.
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The information provided on this website is not medical advice. It is only for informational and educational purposes. Instead, this Website is a platform that seeks to connect users with professionals. We are also not subject or compliant with HIPAA. Please contact your healthcare provider to discuss your health concerns, diagnoses, or treatments. In a medical emergency, call 911. The professionals listed on Sofia Health are licensees to the Sofia Health website, and not employees of Sofia Health, LLC. Further, the professionals listed on the Sofia Health website are subscribers to the Sofia Health website. Any opinions, advice, or information expressed by a health care facility, professional, specialist, practitioner, or coach utilizing or featured on Sofia Health are of the facility, professional, specialist, practitioner, or coach alone. They do not reflect the opinions of Sofia Health.
The information provided on this website is not medical advice. It is only for informational and educational purposes. Instead, this Website is a platform that seeks to connect users with professionals. We are also not subject or compliant with HIPAA. Please contact your healthcare provider to discuss your health concerns, diagnoses, or treatments. In a medical emergency, call 911. The professionals listed on Sofia Health are licensees to the Sofia Health website, and not employees of Sofia Health, LLC. Further, the professionals listed on the Sofia Health website are subscribers to the Sofia Health website. Any opinions, advice, or information expressed by a health care facility, professional, specialist, practitioner, or coach utilizing or featured on Sofia Health are of the facility, professional, specialist, practitioner, or coach alone. They do not reflect the opinions of Sofia Health.