Managing your payment account on Sofia Health is straightforward, allowing you to keep track of your finances and ensure all payments are processed smoothly. Here’s how to manage your payment account:
- Head over to and log in with your credentials.
- Click on the top right of the page to access “Business Settings.”
- In the dropdown menu, select Business and Payment Info.
- In Section 5: Bank Account, you can update or change your bank account details. This ensures that payments are sent to the correct account.
- To view payment details, click on “Stripe Dashboard”. Here, you can track your income, manage transactions, issue refunds, and monitor payment history.
- Adjustments and Settings: Within your Stripe dashboard, you can also adjust settings like payout schedules and refund policies.
Sofia Health, with Stripe integration, ensures that all payments are secure, giving both you and your clients peace of mind. Use the Stripe dashboard to regularly monitor your financial data and stay in control of your business.
By keeping your payment account up to date and checking your Stripe dashboard, you can manage your business efficiently and ensure smooth payment processing.