Adding a service or product to your Sofia Health profile is simple. Just follow these steps to get your offering listed and available to clients:
- Log in to your Sofia Health account.
- In the top menu, click on "Manage Services"
- Click on "Add Service"
- Enter Service Details
- Title and Category: In the first section, provide the title, category, subcategories, and appointment type.
- Pricing and Duration: In the second section, fill in the pricing details, session length, and any necessary breaks.
- Group Class: In the third section, indicate whether this is a group class or not.
- Additional Information: In the fourth section, add a description, any requirements, and an FAQ.
- At the end, you can upload photos and videos to enhance your listing.
- Once all the information is complete, click on the “Publish service” button.
After completing these steps, your service or product will be live and available in your shop.