If your payment method was declined, try these steps:
- Check Payment Details: Make sure your card number, expiration date, and CVV are entered correctly.
- Verify Card Status: Confirm that your card is active and not expired.
- Ensure Sufficient Funds: Check that you have enough funds or credit available.
- Contact Your Bank: Call your bank or card issuer to ensure there are no issues with your account.
- Use a Different Payment Method: Try another card or payment option if possible.
- Confirm Billing Address: Ensure the billing address matches the one on file with your card issuer.
- Check Card Restrictions: Verify with your card issuer if there are any restrictions on online or international transactions.
- Retry the Payment: Wait a few minutes and try the payment again.
Still Having Trouble? If you’re still having issues, contact our support team at support@sofiahealth.com. We’re here to help!